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The Celià-Terrassa’s Lab focuses on understanding the complexity and dynamics of metastasis, in particular the molecular mechanisms regulating breast cancer stem cells (bCSCs) and their interplay with the metastatic niche. We are interested on studying the molecular mechanisms underlying tumor progression, chemorresistance and immunotherapy resistance, as a major challenge to efficiently target breast cancer metastasis.

Our approach embraces molecular and cellular biology techniques, single cell transcriptomics, functional experimental assays in vitro and preclinical assays in vivo, as well as clinical dataset mining. We use the state of the art technology in genomics, functional screenings and advanced imaging of 3D in vitro cell cultures and in vivo tissues.


Stem cell and Cancer research
Preclinical/Translational approaches
Computational methods
Clinical assesment

It always seems impossible until it's done.

― Nelson Mandela

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Celià-Terrassa Lab

The Celià-Terrassa’s Lab started in January 2018 and focuses on understanding the complexity and dynamics of metastasis, in particular the molecular mechanisms regulating breast cancer stem cells (bCSCs) and their interplay with the metastatic niche. We are interested on studying the molecular mechanisms underlying Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) cellular plasticity leading tumor progression, chemorresistance and relapse, as a major challenge to efficiently target breast cancer metastasis.